Thursday, May 27, 2010

Portfolio Assignments #4 and 5

These are the remaining two assignments for the portfolio, due June 4th.

Page of Poetry

Directions: Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to examine various forms of poetry. Some examples are:

 Slam Poetry
 Free Verse Poetry
 Found Poetry
 Haiti Response Poetry
 Concrete Poetry
 Haiku (Covered in previous years)

You are required to complete a complete page of poetry in the form of one entire poem or a collection of multiple poems. Make sure to use strong detailed, figurative language. Similies, metaphors, alliteration, and rhyming are all great ways to improve the quality of your poetry.

Minute Speech

Directions: As part of our public speaking unit, we examined the 7 P’s of Proper Public Speaking. They are:

1. Peak
2. Posture
3. Projection
4. Pace
5. Peepers Contact
6. Pause
7. Practice

You are required to prepare a one-minute speech that describes your topic in detail. You can choose to share a portion of one of your other assignments, to bring in visual aids, or anything else that you think might make your speech a success. As always, it will be timed, and the elements of public speaking will be graded.

This speech is due as part of your cumulative portfolio assessment and will be performed ONLY on Monday, June 7th. You DO NOT need to submit any written work for the speech, although preparing a written draft is encouraged for your success.